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All Answers Tagged With sdk
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License for package Android SDK Platform 30 not accepted.
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SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir
cannot determine which native sdk version your project uses because the module `expo` is not installed. please install it with `yarn add expo` and try again.
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Running system mono/msbuild, ERROR: Invalid SDK MacOSX.sdk, not found in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
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Android license status unknown . x Run *flutter doctor --android-licenses& to accept the SDK licenses. See
cloud_firestore requires a higher Android SDK version.
Because every version of flutter_localizations from sdk depends
To build this project, accept the SDK license agreements and install the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.
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Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.
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Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted. build-tools;28.0.3 Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.3 platforms;android-29 Android SDK Platform 29
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Installed build tools revision 32.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK manager
Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.
Android sdkmanager not found. Update to the latest Android SDK and ensure that the cmdline-tools are installed to resolve this.
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Try updating your pubspec.yaml to set the minimum SDK constraint to 2.12.0 or higher, and running 'pub get
Failed to install the following Android SDK packages as some licences have not been accepted.
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Please ensure that the SDK and/or project is installed in a location that has read/write permissions for the current user.
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Unable to install APK to device. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the Editor.
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Checking the license for package Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.3 in /home/
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You need to have the Android SDK Build-tools installed on your system
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Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager
SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable
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Because every version of flutter_localization depends on flutter_localizations from sdk which depends on intl 0.17.0, every version of flutter localization requires intl 0.17.0. So, because push_notifications firebase depends on both flutter_localization
Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.
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Failed to resolve the Android SDK path. Default install location not found: /home/liubomyrsliusar/Android/sdk. Use ANDROID_HOME to set the Android SDK location. expo
SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your project's local properties file
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Android license status unknown. Run `flutter doctor --android-licenses` to accept the SDK licenses. See for more details. mmav
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Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager
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Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.
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Installed Build Tools revision 33.0.1 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager.
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So, because promart depends on both flutter_test from sdk and freezed ^1.1.1, version solving failed. [ ] FINE: Exception type: SolveFailure
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accept the SDK license agreements and install the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager
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The SDK is 3kB gzipped and can be installed from npm: sh
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If you’re using a JavaScript bundler (for instance webpack or Vite), you should be able to import the SDK in your JavaScript modules:
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Expo SDK and libreries are always updating their versions and deprecating others. before installing the libreries run.
MailerSend\Exceptions\MailerSendException Please set "api_key" in SDK options.
One or more plugins require a higher Android SDK version. Fix this issue by adding the following to C:\Users\Najeeb Khan\Desktop\codecanyon-30196044-single-market-groceryfoodpharmacy-androidiosadmin-panel-full-app-solution-with-web-site\Market_v2.1.2\cust
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Because every version of flutter_localization depends on flutter_localizations from sdk which depends on intl 0.17.0, every version of flutter localization requires intl 0.17.0. So, because push_notifications firebase depends on both flutter_localization
A problem occurred evaluating project ':expo'. > A problem occurred configuring project ':expo-modules-core'. > Failed to notify project evaluation listener. > SDK location not found. Define a valid SDK location with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable o
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Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager
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Warning: The plugin android_intent_plus requires Android SDK version 31.
Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager
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Installed Build Tools revision 31.0.0 is corrupted. Remove and install again using the SDK Manager
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/Users/sanguine/Tutorial/c_web/Fresh/Fresh/Fresh.csproj: Error MSB4236: The SDK 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk' specified could not be found
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