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Redux Toolkit with React

Redux Toolkit is an opinionated toolset for efficient Redux development created by the Redux team. It is the the standard and recommended way to write Redux logic and manage state in your JavaScript applications.

Redux is a JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most commonly used with React, but can be used with other JavaScript frameworks as well. Redux Toolkit is a set of tools that helps simplify Redux development. It includes utilities for creating and managing Redux stores, as well as for writing Redux actions and reducers. The Redux team recommends using Redux Toolkit anytime you need to use Redux.

Redux can be used with other view libraries. So we need the “react-redux” package to connect React components with the Redux store.

From time to time, we will need to modify the state from within a component. To do this using redux, we will dispatch an action. An action is basically an object with a type property. An action also takes a second property usually referred to as the payload (but could be anything and it is how we pass data to the reducer). The type property serves as the action’s name. We should always give our actions descriptive and meaningful names. Once an action is dispatched, Redux calls the reducer with the previous state and the dispatched action object as the arguments.


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