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create super user

To create super user before check your python version:

if you have virtual enviroment you need to activate it. If you are at linux or mac:

if you are at windows:

if you are activate enviroment check your libraries. you can understand the difference. your enviroment means you will tupled your packages for single project. now we can create super user if django package if installed. if you are not installed django:

is enough to install.
before you create super user you need to migrate all of migrations. firstly recommended:

after this command your django project is not familiar for creating new superuser yet. because database are not create as file. database will create as your migration files. they have already created before command. now we can create database:

our database ready for any insertion of new data/user/whatever we write as model.

to create superuser:

its done. if you are getting any errors it created from operating system so you can try these options:


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