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Components Of Worker Plane

Sumit Rawal answered on May 6, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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Components Of Worker Plane


Components Of Worker Plane:

1. Kube Proxy

2. Kubelet

3. Pods

4. Container Engine

1. Kube Proxy:

a. It is responsible for networking and responsible to allocate the IP for pods

b. It's runs on each node

c. It's communicate to master via the API Server

2. Kubelet:

a. Agent running on node

b. Listen the k8s master (pod creation request)

c. Provide pod information to etcd via API Server

d. use port 10255

e. Send success / failure status to control plane

3. Pods:

a. smallest unit of k8s

b. One pod can contains multiple container but recommend only one container in one pod

c. Pod having it’s IP address but container don't have

d. Cluster has at least one master node and one worker node

e. K8s cannot start container without pods

f. Auto scaling and auto healing by default not provided by pod for this high level k8s object required

g. Pod crashed is also one more limitation but fix this by high level objects

4. Container Engine:

a. Work with kubelet

b. Pulling image

c. Start/stop container

d. Expose port which is specified in manifest

Important Notes:

a. If we are using single cloud then command will use "kubectl"

b. If we are using on premise then command will use "kubeadm"

c. If we are using on hybrid/federated then command will use "kubefed" read this and now easily you can


Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language typescript
Source: Grepper
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Contributed on May 06 2023
Sumit Rawal
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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