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Writing Part 1: Summarize written text Module 2.1: Analyzing source text for Summary?

Sumit Rawal answered on August 27, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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  • Writing Part 1: Summarize written text Module 2.1: Analyzing source text for Summary?


     Here's how you can analyze the source text effectively to create a successful summary:

    Read Thoroughly: Start by reading the source text carefully. Understand the main idea, key details, and the author's purpose.

    Identify Main Points: Identify the central theme and the main points of the passage. Look for key arguments, examples, and supporting details.

    Ignore Minor Details: While reading, focus on capturing the most essential information. Ignore less important details, specific numbers, and specific examples.

    Note Structural Elements: Pay attention to headings, subheadings, and topic sentences. These elements often indicate the organization and main ideas of different sections.

    Understand Relationships: Identify how different ideas in the text are related. Look for cause-and-effect relationships, comparisons, contrasts, and conclusions.

    Condense Ideas: As you write your summary, condense each main point into a concise sentence. Be clear and precise in your wording.

    Maintain Coherence: Ensure that your summary flows logically and coherently. The sentences should connect well and represent the original text accurately.

    Word Limit: Stick to the given word limit (5 to 75 words). Writing too much or too little can lead to point deductions.

    Use Your Own Words: Paraphrase the main points using your own words while retaining the original meaning. Avoid copying long phrases directly from the text.

    Check for Grammar and Spelling: Proofread your summary for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. A clear and error-free summary enhances your score.

    Stay Objective: Maintain an objective tone in your summary. Avoid including personal opinions or interpretations.

    Practice Regularly: Practice summarizing different types of texts to improve your summarizing skills. Try to summarize passages from various topics. 

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Aug 27 2023
    Sumit Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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