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What are the benefits and challenges of using Kafka for data streaming?

Sumit Rawal answered on August 28, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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    Scalability: Kafka is designed for horizontal scalability. It can handle large volumes of data and can be easily scaled by adding more brokers to the cluster, making it suitable for high-throughput scenarios.

    High Throughput: Kafka's efficient architecture allows it to achieve high throughput rates, making it capable of processing and transmitting massive amounts of data in real time.

    Durability and Fault Tolerance: Kafka provides data durability by persisting messages to disk and replicating data across broker nodes. This ensures data availability even in the face of node failures.

    Low Latency: Kafka's design minimizes end-to-end latency, making it suitable for real-time applications that require quick data processing and delivery.

    Publish-Subscribe Model: Kafka's publish-subscribe model decouples data producers from consumers, allowing multiple consumers to subscribe to the same topic and receive data independently.

    Exactly Once Semantics: Kafka supports exactly once semantics, ensuring that messages are delivered to consumers exactly once, even in the presence of failures.

    Real-Time Processing and Analytics: Kafka integrates well with streaming frameworks like Apache Flink, Apache Spark, and Kafka Streams, enabling real-time processing and analytics on streaming data.

    Data Retention and Compaction: Kafka allows you to control data retention policies, and it supports log compaction, which helps retain the latest version of each data key while reducing storage requirements.

    Ecosystem and Connectors: Kafka has a rich ecosystem of connectors that facilitate integration with various data sources and sinks, including databases, cloud services, and more.

    Event Sourcing and CQRS: Kafka's append-only log structure makes it suitable for event sourcing architectures, capturing the entire history of changes to an application's state.

    Decoupled Microservices: Kafka can serve as a communication backbone for microservices architectures, enabling loose coupling between services and event-driven communication.

    Internet of Things (IoT) and Sensor Data: Kafka is well-suited for handling real-time data streams from IoT devices and sensors due to its ability to handle high volumes of data and support low-latency processing.


    Complexity: Setting up and managing a Kafka cluster can be complex, especially for organizations new to distributed systems.

    Operational Overhead: Running a Kafka cluster requires operational expertise, including monitoring, scaling, and configuration management.

    Learning Curve: Developing applications that use Kafka effectively requires an understanding of its architecture, concepts, and APIs.

    Data Serialization and Compatibility: Ensuring backward and forward compatibility of data formats and serialization can be challenging when evolving your data models.

    Storage Requirements: While Kafka's data retention policies and compaction help manage storage, it's still important to monitor and manage storage requirements as data volumes grow.

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language typescript
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Aug 28 2023
    Sumit Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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