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Neighbours are the people who live near us. A good neighbour should have some specific qualities. What do you think you could advise? List some types.

Sumit Rawal answered on September 15, 2023 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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Neighbours are the people who live near us. A good neighbour should have some specific qualities. What do you think you could advise? List some types.


Neighbours are integral to our daily lives, as they share the same community and living space. A good neighbour can make our lives more enjoyable and peaceful. To be a good neighbour, one should possess specific qualities that contribute to a harmonious and supportive neighbourhood. Here are some essential rates that I believe make for a good neighbour:

Respectful: A good neighbour should respect the privacy and boundaries of others. They should avoid intruding into their neighbours' personal space and property without permission.

Friendly and Approachable: Being friendly and approachable fosters a sense of community and makes it easier for neighbours to communicate and help each other when needed.

Considerate: Good neighbours are noise levels, especially during quiet hours, to avoid disrupting the neighbourhood's peace.

Helpful: A helpful neighbour is always willing to lend a hand, whether during a time of need, like emergencies or moving, or simply assisting with tasks that make life easier for others.

Clean and Tidy: Keeping one's property clean and well-maintained benefits the individual and contributes to the overall aesthetics and cleanliness of the neighbourhood.

Responsible Pet Ownership: For those with pets, responsible pet ownership includes properly restraining and cleaning up after pets to ensure the safety and cleanliness of common areas.

Safety-Conscious: Good neighbours prioritise the safety of their community by taking necessary precautions and reporting any suspicious activities to the authorities.

Communication: Open and respectful communication is vital. Good neighbours are willing to discuss and resolve conflicts or issues amicably.

Community Involvement: Getting involved in neighbourhood activities and initiatives can strengthen the sense of community and make for better neighbours.

Empathetic: Being empathetic means understanding and showing compassion for the challenges and situations others may be facing.

A harmonious neighbourhood depends on the qualities of its residents. Good neighbours create a positive environment where people feel safe, supported, and valued. While no one is perfect, striving to embody these qualities can contribute to being a good neighbour and fostering a sense of community within a neighbourhood.

Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language go
Source: Grepper
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Contributed on Sep 15 2023
Sumit Rawal
0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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