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Generating random numbers between 0 and a : 1) Math.ceil(Math.random() * a) 2) new Date%a What is your preferred solution? Discuss, explain.

Sumit Rawal answered on January 1, 2024 Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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  • Generating random numbers between 0 and a : 1) Math.ceil(Math.random() * a) 2) new Date%a What is your preferred solution? Discuss, explain.


    Both of the methods you mentioned can be used to generate random numbers between 0 (inclusive) and a (exclusive), but they have some differences in their approach and use cases. Let's discuss each method and their pros and cons:

    Math.ceil(Math.random() * a):

    This method uses the Math.random() function to generate a random floating-point number between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).

    It then multiplies this random number by 'a', which scales it to the desired range.

    Finally, it uses Math.ceil() to round up the result to the nearest integer.

    This method produces uniformly distributed random integers within the specified range.


    Simplicity: It's a straightforward and easy-to-understand method.

    Uniformity: It generates random integers with a uniform distribution within the specified range.


    Inefficiency: It involves floating-point arithmetic, which may be less efficient compared to other methods in some cases.

    Inaccuracy: Due to the floating-point nature of Math.random(), it may not always generate perfectly uniform integers, especially for large 'a' values.

    new Date() % a:

    This method uses the current timestamp (milliseconds since the epoch) to generate a random integer by taking the modulus (%) with 'a'.

    It leverages the changing nature of the current time to introduce randomness.


    Simplicity: It's a concise method to generate random integers.

    No floating-point arithmetic: It avoids the potential issues associated with floating-point arithmetic.


    Predictability: It may not be truly random if the timestamp is predictable or if 'a' is small. For example, if 'a' is a small constant, the generated values may repeat in a predictable pattern.

    Limited range: The range of generated numbers is limited by the maximum timestamp value, which may not cover a wide range of 'a' values.

    Not suitable for cryptographic purposes: It should not be used for cryptographic applications because it lacks sufficient entropy and can be easily predicted.

    Preferred Solution:

    The preferred solution depends on the specific use case. If you need a simple and efficient way to generate random integers for most general purposes, the first method (Math.ceil(Math.random() * a)) is suitable and widely used.

    However, if you require true randomness and security, especially for cryptographic purposes, neither of these methods is suitable. In such cases, it's recommended to use a cryptographic library or a platform-specific random number generator to ensure a higher level of randomness and unpredictability.

    In summary, the choice between these methods should be based on your requirements for randomness, simplicity, and efficiency, with consideration for the limitations and potential bias associated with each method. 

    Popularity 1/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language whatever
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Jan 01 2024
    Sumit Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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