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What are the intermediate and terminal stream operation in java 8 stream

Sumit Rawal answered on January 7, 2024 Popularity 3/10 Helpfulness 1/10


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  • What are the intermediate and terminal stream operation in java 8 stream


    Intermediate operations are operations that do not produce a final result on their own but rather transform or filter the elements of a stream and return a new stream that can be further operated on. Some examples of intermediate operations are:

    Map (): Transforms each stream element using a given function.

    Filter (): Retains only the elements of a stream that satisfy a given condition.

    Distinct (): Removes duplicates from a stream.

    Sorted (): Sorts the elements of a stream based on a given ordering.

    Limit (): Truncates a stream to a specified maximum size.

    Skip (): Skips a set number of elements from the beginning of a stream.

    Terminal operations are operations that produce a final result or side-effect and terminate the processing of a stream. Once a terminal operation is applied to a stream, the stream cannot be used again. Some examples of terminal operations are:

    forEach(): Performs a given action for each stream element.

    toArray(): Collects the elements of a stream into an array.

    Reduce (): Combines the elements of a stream using a given function and returns a single result.

    Collect (): Collects the elements of a stream into a collection or other data structure.

    Count (): Counts the number of elements in a stream.

    Min (), max(): Returns a stream's minimum or maximum element based on a given ordering.

    Popularity 3/10 Helpfulness 1/10 Language java
    Source: Grepper
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    Contributed on Jan 07 2024
    Sumit Rawal
    0 Answers  Avg Quality 2/10


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